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Brewing Up A Storm For Macmillan Cancer Support

Forget the Great British Bake Off, on Friday 27 September we put our culinary skills to the test in support of Macmillan Cancer Support!  Hosting our first ever Macmillan Coffee Morning, we joined thousands of people across the UK in fundraising for their largest annual fundraising event to help people facing cancer. Now in its 29th year the Macmillan Coffee Morning campaign has raised over £200 million since it began.

Sieving The Dream

Whilst we usually spend 99% of our time supporting clients with their events and campaigns this year we decided it was high time to break the mould and host our own event in-house. We were overwhelmed to see so many of our friends, neighbours, colleagues and clients join us for a slice of the action raising their cups and cash for this incredible charity.

Our resident Masterchef Sarah Palmer proved herself to not only be a master decorator of workwear but also cakes! Sarah’s signature cake and chocolate boxes were real showstoppers and had sold out by elevenses. Thankfully Sarah had left no scone unturned… having baked through the night so waistlines continued to expand well into the afternoon. In keeping with SP’s branding is king mantra she had even baked some SPW biscuits scoring some serious brownie points with the boss! Check in with the #CakeBoss herself over on Instagram @cocoacrumbsandcandy!

Record Baking

It goes without saying that our first ever Macmillan Coffee Morning was a sweet success but the icing on the cake was that we smashed our fundraising target hitting a grand total of £300 raised!

Our Director Steven Palmer said “We were delighted to support this amazing charity and raise as much money as we could for Macmillan. It’s a cause close to our hearts here and it’s a joy that as a team and community we have helped this charity change people’s lives for the better”

So it’s a HUGE thanks from us to everyone who joined us. Every single penny we raised goes towards helping Macmillan Cancer Support to answer calls on the Macmillan Support Line, fund Macmillan nurses, and provide physical, financial and emotional support to those who need it. That’s why we’re proud to pledge that the Macmillan Coffee Morning will now be an annual feature on our events calendar.

If you’re still high on the sugar rush or ICYMI check out our ‘flantastic’ Hall Of Fame Photo Gallery. Whilst you’re there don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and find us on all your favourite social media channels to be the first to know about future events and latest news.

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SP Workwear


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