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Promotional Merchandise & Giveaways Branded Clothing

It’s all about the relationships

Here at SP Workwear it’s not just about branded clothing. There are many other products we supply which can help you advertise and promote your business…

It’s a pretty obvious fact that embroidered workwear and staff uniform is more likely to appeal to your customers than an unbranded garment and help sell your products or services.  An embroidered polo shirt with your company logo can greatly enhance your customer’s first impressions and ultimately help encourage them to buy whatever you are selling.

Time to step outside the box…

After recently reading a book ‘Buying Customers’ by Brad Sugars he talks about how to think differently when it comes to advertising and marketing your business.  Brad invites you to calculate exactly how much it costs you to acquire a new customer and what that customer is likely to spend with you in their lifetime.

He then gets you to flip the conversation on its head and ask the question “If a customer is going to spend say £500 with me and £250 of that is profit – how much am I willing to pay in order to gain each new customer?”


For example, let’s say you have run a personal training business.  Each one-to-one client will spend say £40 every two weeks and they generally stay with you for 3 years.  £40 x 26 weeks = £1,040.  This over 3 years is £3,120.  Just for this example let’s assume you have a profit margin of 50% (you will have overheads such as gym rent and equipment etc) so for arguments sake that means that 1 client will bring you £1,560 of profit over their ‘lifetime’ as a client.

How much would you be willing to spend in order to gain 1, 2 or 10 new clients all bringing in £1,560 profit?  Even if they cost £500 to ‘acquire’ you’re still earning a profit over the average ‘lifetime’ of your customer.

Here’s where the relationship starts…

Brad explains that a great way to touch base with these clients is to send them products that would encourage them to remember you when it comes to a time they are ready to buy your services.  This is where the idea of branded merchandise and giveaways come in.

Staying with the same example – a personal trainer could send the potential new client a printed t-shirt with their logo on or a branded water bottle.  All items that are relevant to what the business does and would be useful to the customer.  This would be something that the customer could keep and when they finally decide they would like to have personal training sessions who do you think is the first company they think of?  You guessed it – the company who were so nice and sent them all that free stuff… and those items may have cost £40 or so to send out but in return they have gained you a new client spending £3,120 over 3 years!

Branded Clothing & Promotional Merchandise

As well as over 3,000 different garments from t-shirts, polos, hoodies and caps we also have access to over 100,000 different promotional products that we can help narrow down to find the perfect giveaway to suit your business.  Some of the items include; branded water bottles, mugs, caps, backpack and gymsacs, jelly beans, notebooks, pens etc.

We’d love to hear about what products you send to your potential customers and the stories you hear back from them when they receive these items.

To discuss marketing collateral, branded clothing and promotional giveaways for your company just give us a call on 01628 308810.

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SP Workwear


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